Oral Surgery
Our dental office offers all aspects of oral surgery from removal of impacted wisdom teeth to bone grafting prior to dental implant placement. All treatment is prefaced with a comprehensive and clear consultation so the patient is aware of all treatment options and consequences. Communication with the patient is the emphasis during treatment and any discomfort is dealt with immediately for a pain-free experience.
Tooth Removal: It is always unfortunate to have to lose a tooth. To make this as easy for the patient as possible, we offer a take-home package consisting of various homeopathic remedies to ensure a quick healing. A thorough debridement of infectious tissue and the tooth ligament always accompanies tooth removal for complete healing.
Wisdom Tooth Removal: We always recommend wisdom tooth consultations as early as 16 years of age. Early removal is advised due to rapid healing, less post-surgery discomfort and less risk of complications.
Sedation: For anxious patients, we offer oral sedation with triazolam, a drug in the same family as valium.