
Botanical Medicine

Botanical medicine is nature's gift to humans. Medicines derived from plant sources have been used historically in the treatment and prevention of disease, and are also the subject of many research studies. In fact many pharmaceutical drugs are derived from plant sources. Herbs are an excellent way to support the body. Because of their innate intelligence, they have the ability to balance systems. The same plant has the ability to either increase or decrease a system. For example an overactive or underactive immune system can be treated by the same plant. They can also be used during detoxification, to fight infections or to bring certain hormones into balance. Herbs are excellent as tonics, full of vitamins and minerals they support stressed organs or those with higher need and help the body deal with stress.Quality is an important issue with herbs and we are pleased to be able to offer our patients an exceptional line of herbal products. We use fresh, wildcrafted local herbs as much as possible in our preparations, or import herbs of the highest quality. Plant medicines can greatly accelerate your healing and there is much scientific research available for the herbs we are using.